Most people, or rather web developers must have found out the limitations to the existing structure of the CSS". Separating content from the looks", that was the major aim of the existence of the CSS. However, the Cascading Style Sheet, has its own limitations.
Due to the various technologies and the front-end display structure of the various browsers, that some browsers supports some CSS functions while others doesn't; or just interprets some functions differently.
As such, look at the screenshots carefully. The displayed page is the same webpage viewed with

different browsers, ie. Internet Explorer 7, Firefox and Google Chrome. The page is a simple static page generated with plain HTML using tables and cells, Javascript a
nd CSS. The page looks extremely perfect in Internet Explorer while in Firefox and Chrome, the alignment is different and as you can see, the cell-padding and cell-spacing seems weird. The image on the page seems to float above the navigation menu on the right.
This is the main reason why we need CSS hacks. With the use of well streamed CSS functions, you can let your page displayed in different manner according to the type of browser the user is browsing with. Changing a few things on the linked Style Sheet saves you from the repeated

work of changing every file manually.. which can quite be a mess for a large website. There will be more posts following on CSS and how to hack it, making it a more powerful design tool for a webmaster. Keep checking back.