Disclaimer - VIRII ALERT 1

What's here is for informational purposes only, and should never be used to cause damage or any harm to any system. The owner of this page is not responsible for any actions performed with the information received from these pages. This series of posts is made solely on intellectual purpose and this site is not responsible for any filthy acts anyone does using information provided here.

Within the next few posts, I'm launching a series of "VIRII ALERT" posts which deals with creating computer virii. I hope users find it interesting and informative. Going through the internet, I couldn't find much sites which teaches virii coding in simple manner. With "VIRII ALERT" i'll try to keep it simple.

One more condition is that.. i love comments, but i won't entertain Q's here. If you really want to learn virii coding, then use the information here, and work the rest out for yourselves.... good luck. 
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