Web Directories

A web directory or link directory is a directory on the World Wide Web. It specializes in linking to other web sites and categorizing those links.
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_directory
As the above suggests, a web directory is a directory in which websites are linked in a categorized manner. Before listing, the websites are reviewed manually and are listed in the right categories.

There are various web directories available across the internet these days but not all are as reliable as some of the well known web directories such as DMOZ, Yahoo directory etc. The major essence of a Web Directory is that, they are maintained by a group of reviewers, that it these lists are maintained manually. This is the main reason why seach engines focusses on websites listed on a well known web directory than a website which is not listed. As a result, a web directory is SEO friendly.

Many web directories offer web developers or website owners to submit there website online, after which they review it and approve it accordingly. Most well known web directories ask for a nominal fee for inclusion in the directory. Many web directories may ask you to put a backlink of the directory website anywhere on the website you are submitting for your website to belisted in the web directory. Very few offers free web directory listing submission. Online tools are also available where the website owners are required to submit the website details on their website and these websites in turn submits the details to hundreds of directories...and once again, these websites may charge you according to the submission type you want or may do it for free!!

If you are a website owner, for a start you should try submitting your website to SEO friendly web directory or free web directory which will help you in increasing the visibility of your website to major search engines. Increasing visibility on search engines definitely means an increase in the number of potential customers from your website.
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