How I'd been these past few days

It's been some time since i posted my journals here. Basically, I've been busy with a lot of stuffs. Shristi 2009, the annual techno-management fest of NERIST is about to start from 6th to end on the 8th of April 2009.

As the site developer and administrator of the official Shristi site,, I'd been pretty busy keeping it up with the requirements. The Shristi Open Rubik's Cube event which is going to be held at an international level is one such awaited event; and the workshops given on Robotics by the the Professional Mumbai based Robotics firm, Technophilia and the workshop on Ethical Hacking and information Security under Kyrion, a Delhi based hacking club were magnificient. I gained much knowledge from the workshops delivered by Kyrion and today, there is going to be a small competition on live hacking and am hoping for a good outcome.

Moreover, the annual Magazine of NERIST, the Altius 2009 (Vol VIII) has just been done with the graphics and design part has already printed and about to be released on the start of the Shristi 2009. It took me around 3 days to complete the whole graphics, designs and layouts for the magazine.

Apart from that, shortly from now, I'll developing a complete site for the BioInformatics center newly opened under the Department of Forestry, NERIST.

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