html xhtml and css @web articles

As a web developer, you need to understand basic knowledges on html, xhtml and css to begin creating a page of your own. carries a whole lot of articles on html, xhtml and css which are among the best articles for someone learning this scripting languages.

The site carries numerous articles where some of them explains basic steps on many frequently use methods or "how to do it" in plain simple way. Whether you are a beginner or an expert looking for some understanding of how a certain thing is achieved using html, xhtml or css, html xhtml and css @web articles has a lot to tell you. Going through the articles, you will be able to combine the worlds of html, xhtml and css. Topics on "how to use html flexibly", "Anatomy of an XHTML Document", working with Cascading Style Sheets and so on are described in details.

Articles are added regularly and there is a growing numbers of tutorials in the category as well as other categories available on the main home page of the website. The interesting part is that, if you need a daily fresh updated content for your website in any category available, web articles offers free fresh content for your website.

Of all the articles at web articles, the "anatomy of an xhtml document"by albert lichtblau is one cool article. As the articles quotes
The transition from HTML to XHTML will come with a fair number of bumps. While later chapters introduce tools to help you get past those bumps – and figure out where they come from – this chapter examines what's going to change and demonstrates a few strategies for handling those changes. Along the way, we visit the ghosts of browsers past and explore problems that exist in current browsers. In turn, you discover how prepared and unprepared various tools are for XHTML.
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