Web Administration

I've been working on developing every bit of the NERIST  Training and placement website . Being an official website, I'm not allowed to do what I use to do with my own sites. I've developed and launched a dozen other websites but they were done on my own interest and I'd run a few other blogs running sponsored posts but this time, web administration has make a turn for me because of the responsibility i've put into.

If you are a web administrator, you prob'ly know how it's like to maintain such an active website under your own moderation. The site is strictly moderated just to ensure that only NERIST students are registered and moderating every students is a tough task coz you hardly know all the 1200 students on campus.

I have used the ever popular Joomla CMS there and I just installed the Fireboard forum. I've had enough experiences running this component and some others while i was on my own XAMPP server at the early developing phase and I kinda like Fireboard. Let's see how the users respond to this new forum. The reason why I'm saying is that, hardly people know the use of forums. Everybody is busy with social networking sites or youtube and thats one reason why i put a poll at the homepage "Does tnpnerist needs a forum?"

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